My Quotes app

Create and manage Attaché quotes

4 steps

to creating a customer quote

  1. Select customer. Select from your follow-up list, or search using the customer’s Code or Name. You’ll only see customers that are assigned to your Sales Rep code.
  2. Create draft quote. Create from scratch or copy a previous quote. Search for products and see availability. Use the filters to narrow your search, e.g. focus on products in a specific location or group.
  3. Save the draft. A quote number is assigned by the app. At this point the quote exists only in the cloud-based Cart and can be emailed, edited or deleted.
  4. Send to Attaché. This imports the quote into Attaché. It can then be viewed and emailed (but not edited) via the app. Office staff can then update the quote status to Accepted or Rejected, which removes it from the app’s follow-up list.

A easier way to create and manage quotes

Use any web-enabled

Instantly access active Attaché quotes via smartphone, tablet or browser. Data is live and real-time. Users only see quotes for customers assigned to their Sales Rep code.

Create quotes and
manage follow-ups

See active and expired quotes for all your customers. Press a quote to see comprehensive customer details. Create draft quotes and import them to Attaché when you’re ready.

Maximise success and
streamline processing

Professional quotes will help close more sales; layouts can include your logo and product images. Your office-based sales team can see and update your quotes via Attaché.

Instantly see your follow-up list

When you open the app, you’ll see all active Attaché quotes assigned to your Rep code. Quotes are grouped by customer for easy follow up. Abel Sound Systems has two active quotes; one has expired.

Search for a customer or quote

To find a customer that’s not in your follow-up list, use the Search function. You can also search for quotes using the number or any part of the description. To see all your customers (or quotes), press Search without entering any criteria. Results only include customers and quotes assigned to your Sales Rep code.

Comprehensive details at your fingertips

When you select a customer, you’ll see their Details. On a small device like a phone, swipe up to see more details. Other tabs hold more information, like product sales history, orders, tasks, invoices, contacts or account balance.

See active and historical quotes

On the Quotes tab you’ll see all quotes for the customer, including those created by other team members. Active quotes display as Expired if the expiry date has passed. Completed quotes show as Accepted or Rejected.

On larger screens you’ll see a navigation bar at the left, which makes it easy to search or change to another app. Here we’re seeing the app as it would appear on a tablet.

Easy access via any device

On a smaller device like a phone, a navigation bar is at the bottom of the screen. From here you can access the search, move back to the app home screen (your follow-up list) or open a different app

Copy or email an existing quote

Press a quote to see the quote details. This quote exists in Attaché so it can only be edited Attaché. From this screen you can make a copy of the quote, or email the quote as a PDF.

Data is live and real-time

The customer and quote details you see is what is stored in Attaché. When the status of quote 516 is changed from Entered (active) to Accepted or Rejected (complete), the quote will no longer appear in the sales rep’s follow-up list.

Create a new quote by copying a quote

If you need to create a quote similar to a previous quote, use the copy function. The line details, pricing and contact name is retained. You can then edit, delete or add lines as needed. This is useful when creating quote revisions.

Create a new quote ‘from scratch’

To create a new blank quote, press the plus sign on the customer’s Quotes tab. The quote expiry date is automatically generated, and can be changed if needed. Add Product, Sundry and Comment lines to build your quote details.

Find products fast with flexible searches

When adding Products to a quote, you can search all products or just those previously purchases by the customer. If searching based on purchasing history, you can use Period or Date Range.

Filter on Location, Group and more

Use filters to speed up your search. This is useful if you have thousands of products in multiple locations or groups. The filter icon is highlighted if filters have been applied. Here we’re searching for products in the Brisbane Depot, within the Entertainment group. To remove a filter, press the minus symbol.

Product lines can include comments

When you select a product, the cost and price details populate per your Attaché settings (special customer pricing is supported). Specify the Quantity and if needed, add a Comment to clarify the customer’s needs. Press the tick to add the line to the quote.

Service codes can be included

Do you use Service codes for labour or delivery charges? When searching for a product, switch on ‘Show Services’ so these codes will be included. Filters can also be applied for Service codes, e.g. delivery charges may be different when items are dispatched from the Brisbane depot.

Draft quotes can be edited

When you save a quote, a number will be assigned (controlled by the app). The quote now exists in draft mode in the Cart; it has not yet been sent to Attaché. While in draft mode the quote can be edited if needed; press the pencil icon.

Use Snippets when entering Comment lines

Text snippets can be inserted into Comment lines to streamline data entry. Create and manage your own Snippets via the Settings app. You can also use the voice typing feature on your device.

Text will be split when imported to Attache

Comments can be as long as you like; the text will be automatically split across multiple lines when the quote is imported into Attache. Don’t worry – no words will be truncated.

Drafts exist only in the online Cart

After creating a new quote, press the ‘back’ button and you’ll see the draft in the Cart. If no further editing is required, you can send the quote to Attaché by pressing the send icon.

Access the Cart from any screen

If you’re not quite ready to send the quote to Attaché, press the back button. You’ll see the quote at the top of the list, under the heading ‘Drafts’. You can access the Cart via the tabs menu, or via the icon at the bottom of the screen (on a phone).

Email quotes in PDF format

Press the email icon to email the quote from app. This can be done while the quote is in Draft (so changes can be made), or after it is sent to Attaché. Type in an email address or select from the available Contacts. The quote is Attachéd as a PDF file; press the magnifying glass to preview the quote layout.

Select quote layouts dynamically

Multiple quote layouts can be created to suit your needs. Select a different layout and the PDF will change dynamically. Layouts can contain logos and product images.

Layouts designed to meet your needs

Do you have a layout design that you’re happy with? We can recreate it so your customers see the format they’re familiar with.

We can discuss your quote layout needs as part of your free trial.

Import quotes to Attaché

Quotes are imported to Attaché via the Cart. If you’re working on multiple drafts, you can deselect any that are not ready to import. Quotes will only be imported while a user with menu access to ADI programs is logged into Attaché

Quotes are imported using ADI

After sending to Attaché, you’ll see that the status of the quote changes from ‘Draft’ to ‘Sent to Attaché BI’. The app checks that the quote has been successfully received by Attaché before removing it from the Cart.

Quote details now exist in Attaché

Once the quote has been imported into Attaché, it can no longer be modified via the app. Any changes required need to be made via Attaché, and will be visible via the app in moments.

View orders placed by the customer

On the Orders tab, you’ll see the customer’s active and completed (invoiced) orders. So when a quote is processed to an order, you can see the details. Press an order to see pricing and other information.

Product sales history at a glance

On the Products tab, you can search a customer’s invoiced sales history. Set parameters if needed, then press the tick to generate results. In January, Abel Sound Systems purchased four Audio Systems (product MCH-M60D) via the Brisbane depot.

Schedule follow-up calls and visits

On the Visits tab, you can schedule interactions with the customer. Visits are like Tasks, but they allow you to specify a Time as well as a Date.

Check customer account balance

On the Balances tab, you can see account information as stored in Attaché. Data is live and real-time, so when the customer makes a payment the details will be updated in moments.

See invoices and payments

On the Transactions tab, you’ll see invoices and payments in a similar way to Attaché. Outstanding balances are displayed in red font, so we can easily see that invoice 5313 has not yet been paid. Data is live and real-time.

View invoice details, and email a copy

Press an invoice to see details. If the customer needs a copy of the invoice, you can email it directly from the app in moments. When payment is processed back at the office, you’ll see the details within moments.

View and add customer Contacts

If you store customer Contacts in Attaché, you’ll see their details on the Contacts tab. Optionally, you can give Cloud270 users the ability to add and edit contacts via the app.

View and create Notes and Tasks

On the Tasks tab, you can see historical contact history and also can also create new Notes and Tasks. If Complete is set to YES, the entry is a Note and won’t appear in To Do Lists. You’ll can also view and edit Visits via this tab.

Notes, Tasks and Visits are instantly shared

Operators who use ClearView or PowerLink at the desktop will instantly see new notes, tasks and visits created via the app. This allows keeps team members in the loop and allows management to monitor activity via dashboards and reports.

Easy access to your favourite reports

Do you have reports that you rely on, like your sales for the month? These can be linked to the app so they’re accessible via the main navigation bar. On a small device like a phone, this is accessed via the app’s Home screen.

Custom reports can be created for you

Reports can be generated to the screen and emailed from the app. If you have special reporting needs, we can discuss your requirements when you start your free trial.