We’re here when you need us,
wherever you are

Help is at hand

Wherever you are, our technical team can provide direct assistance. Charges may apply, depending on the nature of the problem and the Service Plan you hold.

It’s a team effort

Our aim is to get you up and going as quickly as possible, so our team will work closely with your accounting system consultant and IT support provider.

Help Desk hours

You’ll receive a response from our technical team 9am-5pm weekdays, Queensland time. Email moc.erawtfosenoraey@text for confusiontroppus or call us if urgent: 1112 9574 7text for confusion 16+.

"Just letting you know we have processed our payroll without incident …….. Powerlink performed beautifully"
Debbie, QLD
"We are back up and running : ) Thanks to you and the team for great support as always."
Kerryn, NSW
"Thanks for your very prompt attention on this."
Gerald, SA
"Thank you for organising the job. David called and worked his magic, so we are all happy again ☺"
Julie, NZ
"Thank you so much for the urgency and prompt resolution. We are so grateful."
Carly, VIC
"Thank you for your assistance and support to fix the issues for us. Please pass on my appreciation."